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Believe It Or Not - Wonder Twin Towers Mystery On Us Dollar

Fold a US $20 bill in half Fold it again, being very careful to fold it exactly as shown here

There are more unbelievable things in the world than most of us want to believe. Some things are even stranger than the actual fact. Things that are almost beyond belief. Just take a look at an American $20 bill.

Now fold the tail end upwards

What you find in the red circle is an image of a burning building

Simply turn the dollar bill over and you see two more burning buildings

Is this really all just a coincidence? Now refold the bill as shown below.

So they reckon things are all accidental.

However, is there an American dollar bill that foretells the way out of the current world financial crises? Is the Third World War a financial one? Some ‘experts’ are now saying there will come one more major catastrophe before the world begins to work its way out of the financial mess. Let’s hope someone discovers some answers real soon, before the entire financial system completely crashes.

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