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Bengali singer Biman Mukhopaddhyay passes away, Bengali Singer Biman Mukhopaddhyay, Biman Mukhopaddhyay dead, uttam Kumar Award winner Mukhopaddhyay

Renowned Bengali Singer Biman Mukhopaddhyay passed away Wednesday at a nursing home in North Kolkata. He was 81.

He breathed his last Wednesday afternoon and was admitted to the nursing home March 2. He was suffering from age-related ailments.

Born in 1930, Mukhopaddhyay recorded his songs first time at All India Radio in 1955. His formal and routine practice of classical Songs started under the late Satyen Ghosal.

He was often called 'living encyclopaedia of music' and it was legendary singer Pandit Gyan Prakash Ghosh who honoured him with this title at a function, organised by Rajya Sangeet Academy in the year 1970.

Mukhopaddhyay was honoured with "Uttam Kumar Award" by Shilpi Sansad in 2008 for his outstanding contribution to Bengali music.

A pall of gloom descended among the cultural fraternity in Kolkata after the news of his death spread.

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